IR Academy Goalkeepers Academy

The IR Academy Goalkeepers Academy offers our club's goalkeepers with the fundamental skills they need to lead their teams on the match and training pitches.

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Goalkeepers play a pivotal role in the success of teams and IR Academy has dedicated an instructor and former goalkeeper to support the growth and development of your young athlete. Whether they currently play the position or want to try something new, our Goalkeeper Academy will provide the fundamental skills they need to find success on the pitch.


IR Academy Goalkeepers Academy takes place at Derr-Okamoto Park (9550 Mainline Drive in Elk Grove) on Friday evenings.

Younger goalkeepers (7v7 and 9v9) and players interested in learning about the position begins at 5:00pm.

Goalkeepers training for athletes playing 11v11 begins at 6:15pm.

For questions and additional information, click here

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